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Fit Over Polarized


ALWAYS wear an EYEWEAR with HIGH-QUALITY, ULTRA-LIGHT design, and the latest PROTECTIVE technology.

Piccolo Eyewear cooperated with the best Taiwan OEM professional factory and developed outdoor/sport sunglasses with stylish designs.

Let Piccolo VIGOROUS goods sparkle your leisure life.


Composed of TR90 Frame, TAC Polarized Lenses.  | 組成:頂級TR90框架, 原廠⾼品質TAC Polarized偏光鏡片。


Technical Features

  • Fit over daily glasses. It is designed for those who wear prescription glasses and easily wears over most existing frame glasses.

  • HD Polarized UV400 Protection lenses. It contains a laminated filter that allows vertical light to pass through but blocks the horizontally oriented light, eliminating the glare and eyestrain and making images appear sharper and clearer, increasing visual clarity and comfort, and safety in the sun. 

  • CE Certified.

  • 20.9g lightweight  / width 14.5CM、height 5.5CM、temple length16CM

  • High-quality TAC polarized lenses with guaranteed quality. The latest professional lens strengthening technology, increase the strength of the lens.

  • Provides all-around protection for the eyes and surroundings, and a comfortable wrap design for nearsighted people.

  • Shield large lens design offers a wild vision. The depth of the appropriate super clear non-blinding, anti-glare, increases the clarity of the scene and the contrast so that the field of vision is clear and bright.

  • Suitable for strong sunlight reflection or rainy vision and various outdoor sports.

  • TR90 frame material, also known as "plastic titanium", has high elasticity, is sleek and lightweight, and comfortable to wear for a long time.

  • Resistant to UV400, sunlight, and car headlights, safe and fashionable.

  • Lenses passed the international standard EN ISO 12312-1:2013, ANSI Z80.3:2018, AS/NZS 1067.1:2016

  • 完美果凍漸層配色,飛行員鏡片修飾臉型。一次擁有高品質護目鏡片與舒適鏡框,及充滿色彩樂趣的外型設計。

  • 每日通勤套鏡偏光太陽眼鏡,專為近視族群設計,輕易直接套掛在原有光學眼鏡外圍。當然無近視者也相當合適。

  • 高清原廠寶麗萊偏光抗 UV400 鏡片. 不刺眼、抗眩光、增加景象清晰度能增加對比清晰度,加大鏡面設計效果更佳!

  • 鏡片通過國際與國內合格認證,耐衝擊,安全,抗UV400,踏實地保護使用者。  

  • 20.9g 超輕量  / 寬約 14.5CM、高約 5.5CM、鏡腳長約16CM

  • 高品質 TAC 寶麗來偏光鏡片,以最新專業鏡片強化技術提升視野度。

  • 為套鏡太陽眼鏡,適合近視族群的舒適包覆設計,提供眼鏡周圍環境的全方位保護。

  • 深淺適中高清!不刺眼、抗眩光、增加景象清晰度能增加對比清晰度,加大鏡面設計效果更佳!

  • 適合陽光反射強烈或是下雨視線不清等時機使用,當然更別提各樣戶外休閒活動時。

  • 採用頂級TR90框架材質,別名”塑膠鈦“,高彈性,外型俐落輕巧,長時間配戴也舒適。

  • 100%防護有害UVA、UVB ,抗紫外線UV400 擋陽光也抗車頭強光照射。

  • 鏡片通過國際合格認證 EN ISO 12312-1:2013, ANSI Z80.3:2018, AS/NZS 1067.1:2016 


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